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In February 2023, the UK’s first ever National Centre for Accessible Transport (ncat) was established. Funded by the Motability Foundation, over the next seven years the Centre will shape the future by influencing the transport sector to ensure that all future travel systems have accessibility for disabled people at the heart of their creation and delivery.

ncat is set up to be an ‘evidence centre’ so it’s remit is to understand, document and analyse the current transport landscape, by engaging with disabled people to hear about their transport experiences, alongside consulting with transport and industry professionals, to understand from all perspectives what does and doesn’t work, and why, and, moving forward, identify opportunities for change.

three people surrounding a table with a clay display at a transport event at Coventry University
six people in discussion at ncat launch

The centre will work in the first phase to generate these insights and evidence. This will, in the second phase, translate into and inform a funding call which will bring together transport innovators to work collaboratively with transport professionals/providers, disabled people, and disabled peoples’ organisations, to develop, test and implement solutions, working always alongside policy makers to influence behaviours. The third phase will look to embed the evidenced learning to enable the adoption and implementation of sustainable change.

Latest projects

Understanding and Identifying Barriers to Transport

Understanding and Identifying Barriers to Transport

Equipping Councils for Change

Equipping Councils for Change

The Barriers to Streetscape Access

The Barriers to Streetscape Access

The Resource Collection

The Resource Collection

Transport Design Decision Making

Transport Design Decision Making

Working Together for Accessible Transport

Working Together for Accessible Transport

Scaling innovation

Scaling innovation

Understanding and addressing the gap in transport accessibility data

Understanding and addressing the gap in transport accessibility data

Policy and Regulation Roadmap

Policy and Regulation Roadmap

Public Attitudes

Public Attitudes

Translating Research Into Design Challenges

Translating Research Into Design Challenges

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