Transport and Mobility Accessibility Datasets

What the project is about?

This project will build understanding of the current landscape for transport and mobility accessibility data across the whole built environment and public transport.

wheelchair users on train platform

What it seeks to do?

We will look at what data is available and where the gaps are. Then, we will set out a blueprint for developing a dataset that provides the information disabled people need for journey planning, and which could then be incorporated in all journey planning applications.

How it seeks to do it?

We will provide a blueprint and action plan for the transport and mobility accessibility dataset, including a prioritised set of data layers, options for sourcing the data, key challenges in delivery and integration within journey planning and ‘mobility as a service’ apps.

We will also make a set of recommendations for how to develop the transport and mobility accessibility dataset to meet the identified needs of disabled travellers and next steps for practical, open-source application with a view to enabling a standardised approach across the UK.

What we’ve done so far?

Travel diaries are currently being analysed. Policy research has been done with transport stakeholders which includes a review of the policy landscape, engagement with people involved in transport.

Plus a database is being developed that will allow people to see what data sets are available with respect to transport in this country. Results will be published soon.