What the project is about?
Research shows that disabled people experience negative attitudes and behaviours from non-disabled when travelling. ncat is researching effective ways to change this.

What it seeks to do?
The research is focused on answering the following question and sub-questions:
What are the most effective ways to change negative behaviours and attitudes of non-disabled people towards disabled people when travelling?
- What interventions exist to change behaviours and attitudes?
- What impact do these interventions have on removing negative attitudes and behaviours, and what elements could trigger a change of behaviour in members of the public?
- What alternative solutions could be developed that could remove attitudinal barriers to transport?
How it seeks to do it?
We are working with our experts by experience group, who are members of our Community of Accessible Transport (CAT) panel and an associated focus group to consider the research questions, and from that we will develop a survey and a platform designed to reach our target audience of non-disabled people.
What we’ve done so far?
Initial workshops have taken place and a draft survey has been developed which is currently undergoing testing. The survey will go live early in the New Year (2025).