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Passenger Needs During Birmingham New Street Redevelopment

Status of Publication: Published/Completed
Date produced: 2010
Commissioned/Funded by: Network Rail; Transport focus
Authoring organisation/Author affiliation: Outlook Research Limited
Type of Resource: Research
Impairment area(s): Pan-impairment
Transport mode(s): Train
Journey stage: Waiting and interchanging
Region: England - West Midlands

Document summary

Birmingham New Street station is used by 25 million passengers annually. This is more than twice the volume it was designed to handle when it was last rebuilt in the 1960s. The current station is dark, crowded and difficult for passengers with heavy luggage or disabilities to get around. The Gateway project will redevelop the station into a brighter and more modern transport interchange by 2015. The key objectives of the redevelopment are to double passenger capacity, radically improve accessibility, improve links to and through the city centre for pedestrians and ensure that journeys through the heart of Birmingham will be optimised for years to come.

In this research, Passenger Focus and Network Rail wished to understand passengers’ views, concerns and any experiences so far of the redevelopment to
assist in effective passenger communication throughout the project.

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