Decision bias is impacting on design outcomes, say transport sector professionals in our latest report.
For the user, this means their needs are often overlooked, in favour of meeting budgets and deadlines.
To meet disabled users’ needs the transport sector should:
* Incentivise an accessibility design standard
* Increase meaningful collaboration across the sector
* Create a transparent process for raising challenges to reduce bias impacting decisions
These recommendations come from a study into decision making across the transport design sector with early career professionals, senior post holders, and transport designers working on trains and cars. Through a set of 20 surveys and 5 follow up interviews, participants were given the opportunity to share details of their experiences of working in the transport design sector, and which barriers they recognised as standing in the way of accessible design.
Follow this link to read the report:
Transport Design Decision Making – National Centre for Accessible Transport
The ‘Transport Design Decision Making’ report is also available in large print, accessible pdf, Easy Read and bsl versions on our site.