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Accessible Transport Strategy

Status of Publication: Published/Completed
Date produced: 2015
Authoring organisation/Author affiliation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Type of Resource: Strategy
Impairment area(s): Pan-impairment
Transport mode(s): Unspecified
Journey stage: Unspecified
Region: Northern Ireland

Document summary

The transport network connects us to each other, to the places we want to be, and to the goods and services we need every day. Transport is a key part of our everyday life. Using transport isn’t always easy if you are elderly or have a disability. Tasks and opportunities that most take for granted become more difficult if you are restricted in your choice of travel or unable to plan a journey. Addressing barriers to travel that older people and people with a disability face was at the heart of the Accessible Transport Strategy 2005. It sought to enhance the physical accessibility of the transport network, improve the understanding of passenger needs and information provision through targeted actions and policies over a ten year period. These actions and policies influenced significant investment in our transport network. Physically there were new buses, trains, stations and upgraded halts. This investment, which included improvements to the pedestrian environment has delivered considerable progress in making our transport network more accessible. We are now in the position where travel information is now widely available in more formats while websites have been updated to make information about services accessible and inclusive. Disability awareness training is being provided to front line and back office transport staff as appropriate and there is ongoing meaningful engagement with older people and people with a disability at all levels.

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