Document summary
Disabled people experience barriers to air travel including poor information on accessibility and services, having to book assistance 48 hours in advance, gaps in assistance services and help connecting with onward journeys by plane, train, coach or taxi. 1 in 5 report difficulties in accessing transportation ([ONS, 2011][0]) and make 62% of trips compared to those without .Using Heathrow Airport, Terminal 3, passenger journeys, this Feasibility Study looks at the potential, strengths and weakness of a developing integrated mobile phone app that can: Let PSANs specify their needs prior to travel, Exchange real-time messages with airport service providers, Alert staff to when and where a PSAN arrives on site;Pin-point the location of the passenger in the airport to staff, Enable independent passenger wayfinding around the airport before boarding or connecting with onward journey, Access contextually relevant information such as location data, Enable service providers to integrate the information into their resource planning and management to enable efficient and pro-active support service delivery
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