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cycle BOOM – Design for Lifelong Health and Wellbeing. Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations.

Status of Publication: Published/Completed
Date produced: 2016
Commissioned/Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Authoring organisation/Author affiliation: Oxford Brookes University;University of Cardiff;Reading University;University of the West of England
Individual author(s): Jones T; Chatterjee K; Spinney J; Street E; Van Reekum C; Spencer B; Jones H; Leyland LA; Mann C; Williams S; Beale N
Type of Resource: Research
Impairment area(s): Pan-impairment
Transport mode(s): Cycling
Journey stage: Unspecified
Region: England - South West, England - South East, Wales

Document summary

cycle BOOM was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the UK Research Councils’ Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Programme (Grant Number EP/K037242/1). The project was led by Dr Tim Jones at Oxford Brookes University and ran for three-years from October 2013 to September 2016. The end of the project was marked by final conferences in London (26 September) and Manchester (28 September). This report provides a summary of the key findings of the study with selected examples of evidence and also recommendations for promoting cycling as part of an age friendly cities agenda.

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