Share your experiences as a disabled or older person.
Our new research project is now underway and we are looking at how disabled people plan their journeys.
Our goal is to make transport accessible for all disabled people. So we are asking you about the challenges you might face when planning your journeys. We’re also interested in what works well for you right now. We aim to collate the real-life experiences of disabled people, so we can make recommendations to improve the travel apps and websites that exist to help people plan their journeys.
The research is being conducted by WSP and the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RiDC) , two of ncat’s consortium partners.
All participants that complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win one of five shopping vouchers, worth £100 each.
If you are a disabled person, getting older, or work in the transport or charity sectors with disabled people, we’d love to hear your views. To take part in this survey and other research projects about transport, you can register to be part of ncat’s Community of Accessible Transport (CAT) panel.
Already, over 900 disabled people across the UK have signed up to be part of the CAT panel. Sign up to be part of the work of ensuring that all future travel systems have accessibility for disabled people at the heart of their development and delivery. Registering as a panel member is easy. And once you have registered, you will be contacted about upcoming research opportunities, and you get to choose which ones you want to take part in.
Find out more and sign up by clicking here. This survey closes on the 3rd of May.